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    منصة مشروعي تتيح لك الفرصة لعرض مشروعك باحترافية

ايش اللي يميزنا في منصة مشروعي!

من المالك مباشرة

نقوم في منصة مشروعي بنشر المشاريع من المالك مباشرة وذلك لتحقيق أكبر فائدة ولتحقيق السرعة في الإنجار وكذلك المصداقية.

Customers Service

فريق خدمة عملاء منصة مشروعي متاح طوال أيام الأسبوع للرد على إستفساراتكم وتلبية طلباتكم على أكمل وجه.


لدى منصة مشروعي خبراء أكفاء في جميع أنواع المشاريع والقطاعات وذلك لضمان الكفاءة في تقديم الخدمة ولاختصار كثير من الخطوات المملة.

Best Price

منصة مشروعي تقدم أفضل سعر في قطر للمشاريع المباعة وكذلك للخدمات المصاحبة لها من الناحية الاستشارية ودراسات الجدوى والرقمنة وغيرها.

Our Services

استكشف أفضل الفرص الاستثمارية الآن

اكسب وقتك وحقق أرباح استثمارية كبيرة وسريعة

List of projects

Founder's message

Welcome to our platform, where we bring together ambitious entrepreneurs and distinguished investors to achieve common goals that benefit everyone. We believe in the power of innovation and excellence, and we always strive to provide an innovative and reliable business environment that facilitates corporate sales and strategic exits.
Providing high-quality services and building fruitful relationships with our customers and partners is our main goal. We are here to guide you through every step of your journey towards successfully achieving your business and financial goals.
On our platform, we come together to form strong partnerships and build a bright future for businesses. Let us work together to achieve excellence and success in the business world.

نحن هنا لمساعدك

Tayyeb Almalik

Project and business management | advisor

Raji Peres

Digital Transformation Management | advisor

Abdulmonem Magboul

Multimedia Management | advisor

Our Clients

لديك مشروع تريد عرضه

بإمكانك عرض مشروعك للبيع أو عرض أسهم أو حتى التخارج من مشروعك .. كل ذلك بخطوات بسيطة وسهلة

Our Clients Opinions

Nayef Al Balushi Founder of Specialty Coffee

Gentlemen/ Respected Rowwad Company, may God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you. We are sending you this letter, in which we would like to thank you for conducting a feasibility study for the Cafe. We also hope in the near future to deal with you again due to the quality of your studies. Thank you and appreciate your efforts,,,

Abdel Nasser Atallah Partner of a building materials company

We extend our deepest thanks and respect to your esteemed company for the sophisticated approach to dealing and credibility first, and we thank you once again for the feasibility study that was prepared for us regarding the establishment of a new building materials company. The study was sufficient to allow us to determine the appropriate capital to start the new project according to the data in the study. Wishing you continued success and distinction.

Maha Al-Sulaiti Co-founder of Cafe in Qatar

Thank you very much for helping me develop my project (Cafe - Lusaill). I had many problems and I was not aware of them. I will recommend your company to everyone. I am thankful that within three months my sales and profits have increased by 60 %. I am thankful to all the work team, especially Dr. Khaled Al-Athba, and hope to cooperates with you again.

Khalid Al Qahtani

The project has been accepted and funding has been approved. Thank you very much

Dr. Salman Muhammad - Amman

I salute you for the effort you put into studying

Jassim Al-Enezi - Qatar

I really thank you for the excellent study, may God grant you success

Umm Hamad online store - UAE

A comprehensive study of the Emirati market.you went beyond my expectations. Wish you the best

Hassan Al-Baridi - Qatar

Thankful for your cooperation and your clear vision in supporting entrepreneurs and the quality of your work. You have the 3 most important factors that the customer needs (time - quality - price), Finally, it is very important to highlight that your work team is very professional. Thank you

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سجل الآن للحصول على أفضل الخدمات الاستشارية والإدارية والرقمية لمشروعك التجاري في قطر