A plant, flower, and landscaping nursery faces revenue challenges during off-seasons

مشتل لبيع النباتات والورود وتنسيق الحدائق يواجه تحديات في الإيرادات خلال المواسم غير النشطة

A nursery owner faces a challenge in maintaining revenue continuity throughout the year, as there are seasons in which sales flourish while other times they decline, leading to income instability.

Organizing training courses for the public: Providing educational courses on how to care for plants inside homes and offices, in order to increase awareness of the importance of plants and attract new customers.

Building partnerships with hotels and major companies: Using the database to communicate with hotels and major companies to conclude contracts to coordinate and maintain their gardens and green spaces.

Conduct a market study: Analyze the market to understand current trends and what competitors are doing, and utilize this information to develop new marketing strategies.

Diversification of products and services: Introducing new products and services that may be in demand throughout the year, such as indoor plants that require less care and are suitable for offices and homes.

By diversifying services and products and leveraging partnerships and training courses, the nursery is expected to see increased revenues even during previously declining seasons. Partnerships with hotels and businesses provide an ongoing source of income, while training courses help attract new clients and raise awareness of the importance of plants. Diversifying offers ensures business continuity and reduces the negative impact of inactive seasons.

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