
تقرير جديد حول حالة سوق رأس المال الاستثماري تقرير حديث من CB Insights، وهو الهيئة البحثية الرائدة التي تتبع تمويل رأس المال الاستثماري، أظهرت أنه كانت سنة سيئة لرفع رأس المال. كان السوق العالمي منخفضًا…
تراجع سوق رأس المال الاستثماري: تحليل ونصائح للشركات الناشئة

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New report on the state of the venture capital market

A recent report from CB Insights, the leading research body that tracks venture capital funding, showed that it was a bad year for raising capital. The global market was down 30% year-on-year to a six-year low. The US market fell to its lowest levels in 10 years, with a decline of 21% in the last quarter alone. The days of creating “big caps,” oversized financings, and excessive valuations are gone. Investors simply cannot exit the investments they have already made, with the IPO market weak.

Advice for startups in these difficult circumstances

If you're raising capital for your startup today, the picture looks bleak. But, what should you do to navigate these stormy waters? Important things you can do include reducing spending, looking for alternative sources of financing, and improving your expected return on investment. For more tips, you can check out the rest of this article.

New report on the state of the venture capital market

A recent report from CB Insights, the leading research body that tracks venture capital funding, showed that it was a bad year for raising capital. The global market was down 30% year-on-year to a six-year low. The US market fell to its lowest levels in 10 years, with a decline of 21% in the last quarter alone. The days of creating “big caps,” oversized financings, and excessive valuations are gone. Investors simply cannot exit investments they have already made, with the initial listing market weak.

Advice for startups in these difficult circumstances

If you're raising capital for your startup today, the picture looks bleak. But, what should you do to navigate these stormy waters? Important things you can do include reducing spending, looking for alternative sources of financing, and improving your expected return on investment. For more tips, you can check out the rest of this article.

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