مصنع إنتاج الطبليات الخشبية
Rowad Consulting Company provides a comprehensive feasibility study for a project مصنع الطبليات الخشبيةWith the highest profit return and the best recovery period, through careful studies, analysis of competitors’ strategies, and providing competitive price offers.

- Project Description
- Study contents
- Products and services
- Project specifications and features
تتميز منتجات مصنع الطبليات الخشبية بالقوة والمتانة والصلابة العالية، بالإضافة إلى سهولة النقل والتركيب. وتستخدم الطبليات الخشبية على نطاق واسع في المستودعات والمخازن، وفي تسهيل عملية نقل البضائع. ويستهدف المصنع قطاع التشييد والبناء، وشركات المقاولات والتجارة مكاتب التوريدات العمومية، وشركات الاستيراد والتصدير.
Rowad Consulting Company provides investors wishing to invest in... مصنع الطبليات الخشبيةA set of specialized feasibility studies, based on special updated databases, which helps the project succeed, achieve the highest profitable return, and the best payback period.
- Study the project idea, its components, and nature.
- دراسة المنتجات ومواصفاتها، وخصائصها، ومكوناتها، ومميزاتها.
- Study the economic indicators of the project, the project location, and demographic indicators in the target market.
- Study the volume of demand, local production, and the volume of imports and exports of the products provided by the project.
- Analyze competitors, the marketing gap for products, the project’s market share, and conduct a SWOT analysis of the nature of the project.
- دراسة الخطة التسويقية والترويجية وخطة التسعير والتوزيع للمشروع
- Study the costs of machinery, equipment, equipment, vehicles and construction for the project.
- Studying production capacity, providing quotations for machines, equipment, and production lines, and studying line specifications and matching them to manufacture products.
- Study the project costs of raw materials, operating requirements, general expenses, marketing and promotion expenses, sales commissions, and direct and indirect salaries.
- Study the project's organizational structure, administrative structures, and job descriptions for employees.
- Study the project's investment costs, financing conditions, and financing structure.
- Study project revenues and revenue expectations for the coming years.
- دراسة القوائم المالية للمشروع خلال عمر المشروع من المركز المالي وقائمه الدخل والتدفقات النقدية.
- Study the financial indicators of the project and its financial analysis.
- Sensitivity analysis study for the project.
- طبليات خشبية بمقاسات وأحجام مختلفة.
- Applying approved quality standards.
- Implementing approved health requirements.
- Latest packaging technology.
- Management of development and marketing ideas, to increase competitive advantages.