مصنع الخيام البلاستيكية
Rowad Consulting Company provides a comprehensive feasibility study for a project مصنع الخيام البلاستيكيةWith the highest profit return and the best recovery period, through careful studies, analysis of competitors’ strategies, and providing competitive price offers.

- Project Description
- Study contents
- Products and services
- Project specifications and features
He provides مصنع الخيام البلاستيكية مجموعة من منتجات الخيام متعددة الأشكال والاستخدامات، مزودة بخيارات عالية الرفاهية، تناسب رحلات السفر الطويلة، وكذلك النزهات السريعة، كما يمكن تخصيص جزء من الإنتاج إلى خيام الأطفال، والألعاب البلاستيكية. ويستهدف المشروع شركات بيع مستلزمات الرحلات، وشركات تنظيم الحفلات والمناسبات، بالإضافة إلى شركات السياحة والسفر. ويعد مصنع الخيام من الفرصة الاستثمارية المغرية في المنطقة العربية نظرًا لأن منتجاته تشكل جزءًا أصيلًا من مكونات الثقافة العربية.
Rowad Consulting Company provides investors wishing to invest in... مصنع الخيام البلاستيكيةA set of specialized feasibility studies, based on special updated databases, which helps the project succeed, achieve the highest profitable return, and the best payback period.
executive summary
- About the project
- Financial indicators
- Justifications for establishing the project
- Government investment incentives in the project field
- Target markets
- Indicators and final results of the project
Study project services/products
- Description of the project and all its products/services
- Project features and production requirements
Market size study
- Familiarity with distribution channels
- Consumer behaviour, desires and natures
- Competitors' products or services, and what are their strengths and weaknesses
- The nature of the market and its characteristics
- The volume of demand for the product or service provided
- Available share of the target market
- The ideal way to market
The technical study
- Detailed description of the project products, expected production capacity, and determination of investment costs
- Determine the volume of electrical energy and water
- Determine the project's labor needs
- Determine project requirements
- Calculating building and construction costs
- Calculate the total capital
- Determine annual operating costs
- Determine the amount of working capital
Financial study
- The total investment costs required for the project
- Organizing statements of flows and income, as well as a statement of financial position for the first ten years of operation
- Determine the size of the project’s expected annual revenues in light of the specified operational capacities
- The optimal financing structure for the project in light of the capabilities of investors and the conditions for granting financing
- Project financial indicators and sensitivity analysis
Organizational and administrative study
- Project manpower
- Organizational Chart
- Functional tasks
Risk study
- hazard identification
- Impact of risks on the project
- Ways to prevent risks
- خيام البولي كربونيت.
- خيام بلاستيكية شفافة.
- خيام ذات قبة جيوديسية.
- مقاومة الأوساخ المتينة، والعفن الفطري.
- منتجات مزودة بمثبطات اللهب الجيدة.
- مصنوعة من مواد مضادة للأشعة فوق البنفسجية.
- منتجات شديدة التحمل ضد التمزق والتآكل.
- Products of the highest quality.
- Implementing approved health requirements.
- The latest manufacturing and packaging technology.