
تقرير البحوث حول حالة السوق المالية لرأس المال الاستثماري في عام 2023 انخفاض حاد في السوق العالمي والأمريكي أصدرت منظمة البحوث الرائدة، CB Insights، التي تتتبع تمويلات رأس المال الاستثماري، تقريرها الأخير عن حالة سوق…
“السوق المالية في 2023: تراجع حاد ونصائح للتأقلم”

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Research report on the state of the venture capital financial market in 2023

A sharp decline in the global and American market

Leading research organization, CB Insights, which tracks venture capital funding, has released its latest report on the state of the venture capital market in 2023 and, more specifically, the fourth quarter of the same year. In fact, it was a terrible year for fundraising. The global 30% market fell year-on-year to the lowest level in six years. The US market has hit a 10-year low, with 21% falling in the last quarter alone. Gone are the days of the creation of “rare ones” (companies worth more than $1 billion), huge financings, and excessive valuations. Investors simply cannot exit the investments they have already made, with the weak IPO market. That's a bleak picture if you're starting to raise money today.

Tips for coping with difficult times

So, what are you supposed to do to navigate these trying times? Read on for some helpful tips based on my previous experience tackling markets like this.

Continue reading at the Entrepreneur website

You can read the rest of this article in Entrepreneur, where I spent this week as a guest author.

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