مشروع مصنع منتجات المخلل
Company offers رواد لحلول الاعمال، دراسة جدوى لمشروع مصنع منتجات المخللWith the highest profitable return and the best recovery period, through a set of careful studies, analyzing the strategies of local and foreign competitors, and providing competitive price offers.

- Project Description
- Study contents
- Products and services
- Project specifications and features
He provides مصنع منتجات المخلل، منتجات متنوعة الأحجام من الخضروات التي تخضع لعملية التصنيع والتعبئة والتغليف مثل: الخيار، واللفت، والبصل، والجزر، وغيرها. ويستهدف المشروع الفنادق، والمطاعم، وتجار الجملة والتجزئة، وموردي المنتجات الغذائية.
Company is keen رواد لحلول الاعمال ، أن يتوفر في مشروع مصنع منتجات المخللThe latest production lines and advanced manufacturing technology, in addition to relying on a marketing team capable of innovating creative methods to open new markets.
executive summary
- About the project
- Financial indicators
- Justifications for establishing the project
- Government investment incentives in the project field
- Target markets
- Indicators and final results of the project
Study project services/products
- Description of the project and all its products/services
- Project features and production requirements
Market size study
- Familiarity with distribution channels
- Consumer behaviour, desires and natures
- Competitors' products or services, and what are their strengths and weaknesses
- The nature of the market and its characteristics
- The volume of demand for the product or service provided
- Available share of the target market
- The ideal way to market
The technical study
- Detailed description of the project products, expected production capacity, and determination of investment costs
- Determine the volume of electrical energy and water
- Determine the project's labor needs
- Determine project requirements
- Calculating building and construction costs
- Calculate the total capital
- Determine annual operating costs
- Determine the amount of working capital
Financial study
- The total investment costs required for the project
- Organizing statements of flows and income, as well as a statement of financial position for the first ten years of operation
- Determine the size of the project’s expected annual revenues in light of the specified operational capacities
- The optimal financing structure for the project in light of the capabilities of investors and the conditions for granting financing
- Project financial indicators and sensitivity analysis
Organizational and administrative study
- Project manpower
- Organizational Chart
- Functional tasks
Risk study
- hazard identification
- Impact of risks on the project
- Ways to prevent risks
- مخلل خضروات: خيار، جزر، لفت، بصل.. إلخ.
- عبوات تشكيلات من المخلل في أحجام مختلفة.
- Products of the highest quality.
- Applying approved quality standards.
- Implementing approved health requirements.
- The latest manufacturing and packaging technology.
- Management of development and marketing ideas, to increase competitive advantages.