
تقدم رواد لتطوير الاعمال دراسة جدوى تفصيلية ومعتمدة للمشاريع بشكل احترافي وبدقه عالية تحت إشراف فريق من المستشارين القطريين حيث توضح اهم النقاط الرئيسية للاستثمار المطلوب والعوائد المتوقعة، والمؤثرات الداخلية والخارجية 
ماهي خدمة دراسة الجدوى ؟

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دراسة الجدوى الاقتصادية هي  It is a process through which information is collected about a proposed project and then analyzed to simulate the feasibility of implementation, reduce risks, and calculate future financial returns.

Feasibility study components 

Preliminary study:

At this stage, the project idea, the nature of the products or services provided, and the factors affecting demand in general are identified

Legal study:

The legal feasibility study identifies all government permits and procedures and determines the project’s compliance with legal requirements

Market study:

The importance of the market feasibility study is highlighted in collecting and analyzing data related to the current and future supply and demand for the project’s products or services and its competing products.

The technical study:

Studying all technical aspects related to the project, which includes determining the size of the project, the technical specifications of the product, and determining the workforce and raw materials needed for production

Administrative study:

It is a form and framework for the facility’s administrative hierarchy that shows the location of each job and the responsibilities within the administrative organization, which helps in identifying the departments and units within the facility and the responsibilities and powers of each employee.

Financial study:

The financial study focuses on measuring the project’s profitability from a financial standpoint and from the investors’ point of view, in addition to identifying appropriate funding sources and the proposed financing structure for the project.

Financial analysis:

هو تقييم طُرق استثمار وتوظيف الاموال في المنشاة ودراسة الكفاءة والأرباح الناتجة عن العمليات التشغيلية وتحليل التدفقات النقدية، لمقارنة الاداء المالي بشكل

Benefits of feasibility study 

1- Determine the feasibility of the project: The feasibility study helps determine the feasibility of the project and the extent of its worth investing in it, and determines the expected financial return and the extent of achieving profitability.

2- Determine costs: The feasibility study helps determine the costs necessary to establish and operate the project, and determine the financial, human, technological and administrative resources necessary to achieve the goals.

3- Identify risks: The feasibility study helps identify potential risks, evaluate the financial, commercial and economic impact on the project, and determine the measures to be taken to reduce these risks.

4- Determine the social return: The feasibility study helps determine the potential social, economic and environmental impacts of the project, and determines the potential contribution to improving community life and public services.

5- Making the right decisions: The feasibility study helps make the right decisions about investing in the project, and determines the steps necessary to achieve the set goals.

6- Attracting financing: The feasibility study helps attract the necessary funding to establish and operate the project, and provides the necessary material and financial foundations to achieve the goals.

7- Improve management: A feasibility study helps improve project management, define the organizational structure, define functions and responsibilities, and evaluate the management capabilities of the team.

دراسة الجدوى تعد أداة هامة لأي شخص يريد الاستثمار في مشروع تجاري، حيث تساعد على تحديد مدى جدوى المشروع وتحديد الخيارات المتاحة واتخاذ القرار الأفضل.

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